Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Difference between marketing, advertising and propagnada

Marketing, Advertising and Propaganda seem very similar, but they have there differences. I believe that marketing has to do with communication, goods and services, and the exchange of goods. Also including the marketing mix, which consists of the 4 P’s, Price, Place, Product and Promotion. Marketing is more about satisfying the customers wants and needs and trying to improve products for customers. Marketing involves stimulating a demand, while advertising is more involved in convincing customers to buy a product or service. Marketing and advertising are more similar then propaganda. Propaganda is a form of communication aimed at influencing the attitude of a community at some cause or position. For example giving away t-shirts at a bar promotion. Does Propaganda help sell merchandise better than Advertising? Is advertising one of the best forms of selling a product or do you think word of mouth works better?

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