Wednesday, February 1, 2012

In response to Rachel's post...

Question: What are some courses you have taken outside of your major? And did you learn anything worthwhile?
I have taken a lot of courses at Keene State that either had to do with my major or had nothing to do with my major at all like the ISP courses. I am taking a Photography class this semester and I really didn’t think that I would be doing much besides taking pictures, but actually I have learned a lot about the camera. This class has taught me many different ways to take picture and make them look interesting. I thought that by taking this lower level class I could just pass it easily, but it’s a lot more then just a class that takes photos. I’m actually learning a lot and getting a lot experience on how to take a good picture/what makes a good picture. You have to know how to adjust the colors on the photo, you really need to know your camera and all the different functions it has, and how to print certain photos, not just taking pictures. By taking a random class it broadens your horizon, I believe the more experience/opportunities the better. In my other post about should everyone take a Marketing/Management class it’s they same thing learning something new isn’t going to hurt it’s going to give you more experience and make you learn something that you didn’t know before. Was there ever a course that you took that you didn’t learn anything from? Do you think some major should have more courses than others?

In respond to Danille's post...

Question: Do you think it's important to take a marketing/management class? How do you think understanding marketing can benefit you in your career or every day life?
Should take a marketing/management class? Danielle mentioned in the post that when she told her family members about having a management minor they asked her what she planned on doing with that degree. I myself will be graduating with a Management degree and my family asked me what I plan on doing with that degree. To be honest I have no idea but I know that with a Management degree and can really help me with either trying to run my own business or one day become a manager of an important company. But as I think having some experience in marketing/management can really help you out in any job. All jobs require some type of management/ marketing problem. Having experience could give you that extra boost to get a good job maybe over someone else that has no experience. Every little opportunity can really pay off in the end.
Marketing isn’t just about marketing it’s "the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large”. That’s basically what every business deals with, so by taking a marketing/management you could be ahead and actually know what’s going on with the business.
 A management class could help because you know how a company runs and what it needs to do to survive. One important thing that everyone should know is the 4 P’s (Price, Promotion, Place and Product). Knowing about the 4 P’s can really help out with a business. Especially Promotion, Promotion is a very important aspect for businesses. Depending on the promotions/advertisings it can really make or break the product. Knowing how to promote through management could be very beneficial, especially now. So yes, I do believe that everyone at some point should take a marketing/management class.

"Peopel dont know what they want;they only know what they know"

The quote “People don’t know what they want; they only know what they know” really makes you think. It’s true that marketers can sway you to buy things that you might not normally buy. For example if there is an “in” shoe that everyone wants and a cheaper shoe that no one wants to buy, you are more likely to buy the shoe that everyone wants because it’s in style. Everyone wants to have the latest merchandise and the ‘hottest’ items, that’s how marketers shape the consumer because they know that it’s true. People don’t really know what they want; they want what everybody else wants.  Marketers can convince consumers to buy just about anything with the right promotion and advertising strategies. Just as long as other consumers are willing to buy that particular product others will follow. Think about all the different types forms of advertising there is and how many times you hear about a particular item and that’s what you think of over and over. Eventually you give in and buy the item because you ashore yourself that you need that product.Marketers know in time consumers will buy the product with the right advertising that's why they advertise. They don't advertise because they think it will make there company look better. They advertise because they know that consumer will watch or hear about the product and want it because others want. Like I stated before everyone wants what others have! What else do you think Marketers do to sway consumers to buy there merchandise? Without advertising and promotion do you think that company/marketers would do better or worse?