Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Resonse to Evans post...

Question: If you saw a bunch of people wearing "Blue Moon" shirts, and you were intoxicated, would you be encouraged to buy that beer?

To be honest I dont think just because someone is wearing a shirt with a beer logo I'm more up to buy that beer. I have my favorite beers and im not going ot change just because i see a different beer on a shirt or hat. People just think it's "cool" to get free stuff and just win. I don't think they really care what the shirt or hat said they only like it because its free and come on who doesn't like free things. When has anyone given up an opportunity to get something for free. So no if i saw a bunch of people wearing Blue Moon shirts and i was intoxicated i defiantly woundn't buy a blue moon because personally I hate blue moon and i wouldn't spend money on something I don't like or wouldn't drink!
Do you think that getting free shirts, hats or prizes in general would make you want to buy more alcohol? Do you think that the brand of alcohol on the "prize" would encourage you to buy that certain product?

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