Thursday, April 12, 2012

In response to Nichole's Post

What are some important ways non-profit companies should do to receive more money for marketing?
            There are many different way to raise money for you company I have listed a few ideas below:
*      Fundraisers
o   How organization raises money is limitless. You can do everything from sending out letters requesting donations and telling people about your cause to holding a car wash on a hot summer afternoon. When looking at fundraisers consider the demographic and community you will be targeting. If you are approaching a community that has a strong school presence, you dont want to have competing fundraisers of cookie dough, gift wrap or chocolates. Find a way to make your fundraisers stand out from what the normal things are.
o   Create an annual event such as a dance or auction that invites people in for an evening wrapping station to ease the stress of people who cant get it all done for the holidays. Providing a service or entertaining donors always contributes to success.

*       Be part of the community
o   A successful non-profit organization cannot isolate itself within the community. You cant be threatened by the competing dollars, so network with other organization leaders, community leaders and the public at large. In doing so, you understand what is working for others and what isnt. You also develop relationships with people who may be able to provide you a larger platform or endorse your endeavors. Successful leaders of non-profit organizations understand that their role is as much political as it is philanthropic and that you need to maintain this balance of finesse to help your organization succeed.

*      Team up
o   While everyone is looking for the donation dollars, there are many symbiotic relationships that can exist between non-profit organizations. School groups can team up with youth sports teams or civic service groups. A clinic that provides education and birth control means for teenagers can create a partnership with AIDS awareness groups. Parent clubs and organizations can work with local churches or autism groups, finding ways to fill more than one need. When you are able to work together, you are able to combine resources to make larger events that attract more people, get more publicity and press, and earn more for everyone.
Would you rather open a non-profit organization or a profittied organization? Why are some of the positives and negatives of each organization?

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